by spaced | Apr 28, 2016 | Blog, book design, InDesign help
I love this lesser known feature and rarely needed to use it. I created a 40 page A4 eBook and my client later decided to print smaller, hard copies. So, how to change the layout from A4 to A5 and resize all images and text styles to fit? All kinds of users aired...
by spaced | May 8, 2014 | Blog, book design
It is now 3 years since beginning the self-publishing journey with the graphic novel Yuri’s Day. The publishing team has got together again to bring things up to the moment with current happenings in space travel. Work is well underway with the publishers loving...
by spaced | Oct 23, 2012 | Blog
by spaced | Oct 22, 2012 | Blog, Graphic novel
STALIN RE-EDUCATION CAMP, 1939 Condensing the brutal reality of the Gulags, the Soviet ‘re-education camps’ into nine frames was ambitious. Fortunately I had some effective dialogue, based on survivor testimony, that had the quality of suggesting a lot in...
by spaced | Sep 12, 2012 | Graphic novel
THE ROAD TO THE STARS – Korolev’s early career, and the events that are the background to it, could easily fill several books on their own. The Soviet revolutionaries are building a completely new society in the wreckage of old Imperial Russia. It is a sometimes...
by spaced | Sep 10, 2012 | Graphic novel
Welcome comrade, to the authoritarian world of pre-war Soviet Union… Lenningrad, 1933 a young aeronautical engineer Sergei Korolev works in a rocket lab. 4 years later, his childhood dream is to be put on hold as Stalin begins his great ‘purge’. A...
by spaced | Jun 25, 2012 | Graphic novel, News
Starts here… a blog detailing the efforts and skills in creating a graphic novel, all told in the words of Andrew King, our team illustrator and story distiller. Andrew did more than just illustrate. He was the architect making this concise study work in...
by spaced | Dec 8, 2011 | News
‘”Leave space. Creativity is in the listening and the emptying. We LISTEN for an idea or a song, we don’t think it up. Creativity is receptive, not active.” Where it comes from does not matter. Yoga, Qi Gong, ‘loo’ meditation…...
by spaced | Dec 8, 2011 | News
Websites like this can be yours. Spaced specialises in WordPress database driven web spaces. We can also offer a bespoke service to give a more individual look that is removed from the many template driven designs such as our Yuri’s Day site.