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Blade Runner – the making of Blade Runner large format book pitch

After our success with Taschen’s Making of 2001 A space Odyssey, we’re optimistic with another movie making book pitch. The Making of Blade Runner will hopefully go to print too. But only if the tricky task of getting the numerous copyright owners on-board. Introductory lighter pages displaying brilliant Syd Mead concepts contrast the darker tech-noir film stills themselves. The film footage spreads draw upon the movie’s chiaroscuro ambience along with the running theme of cigarette smoke. The narrative is supplemented with origami animals deployed in the film by Gaff, evolving with the pagination.
“Too bad she won’t live forever?” Let’s hope the book does.

October 2017. Bladerunner 2049 now released… 2 years on and many letters from bended knees… we didn’t get a deal 🙁